In the midst of this Holiday Season, we must remember there are children, families, veterans, and seniors struggling to make ends meet, many without a roof over their head. The Build Back Better bill is designed to lift millions out of poverty even while millionaires in Congress question how the poor and destitute will spend the money. It's simple, they'll buy food, pay rent, fill their prescriptions.
Tell your Senators to vote for Build Back Better and to keep the $150 Billion currently allocated for Affordable Housing! Use our tool to Email and Call Your Senators! Our tool will look up your Senators so you can send an email directly to them. Today is the National Call-in Day for protecting Affordable Housing so please do the next step and make the phone call.
Appropriating $150 billion dollars over 10 years in affordable housing is an investment in safe and secure communities; it will NOT result in rising inflation. Housing is a human right. All Americans deserve a safe and decent place to live, regardless of one’s income, health, or employment status.
We need the Senate to pass Build Back Better and fund human needs and not just roads and bridges so we will even pay for your call. The proposed $150 billion dollars includes increased funding to dramatically boost the Housing Choice Voucher Program, the Housing Trust Fund, as well as funds to improve public housing in the United States. This investment is decades overdue!
In solidarity,
Andrea Miller Founding Board Member